Laser Skin Resurfacing
Give us 5 Days and we’ll give you 5 years!
Cosmetic imperfections can appear on our skin at all stages of life and include wrinkles, scars, brown spots and more. To improve and remove these unwanted imperfections, TotalFX is your solution. By treating deep in the dermis, as well as the skin’s surface, TotalFX is your choice for refreshed, rejuvenated and younger-looking skin!
What is TotalFX?
TotalFX is a revolutionary fractional treatment that combines DeepFX™ and ActiveFX™ procedures for total solutions in one treatment with minimal downtime. Fractional treatments treat only a fraction of the skin, leaving bridges of untouched skin that aid in the healing process and reduce healing times enabling you to return to normal activities quicker.
What Results can I expect from this procedure?
- Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, scars and folds.
- Improves pigmentation, skin tone and texture.
- Stimulates new skin and collagen formation.